I believe that in real contact with another person, you can touch your soul and touch your heart.

The word „therapy” comes from the Greek word „therapeuéin” which means „to look after, give glory”; in a broader sense – „to heal”.

Therapy is a human relationship that heals, so it requires work and commitment from both sides. Research shows that the treatment results are greatly influenced by: the motivation to change, the therapist’s personality, and the tools and methods of work.

Therapy has both advantages and disadvantages. Risks can include experiencing unpleasant feelings such as sadness, guilt, anxiety, anger, frustration, loneliness, helplessness or pain, which you could not feel because there was too much emotions to handle at a time. Likewise, treatment often improves relationships with people, teaches how to deal with difficult feelings, teaches greater awareness and contact with each other, improves the ability to deal and solve specific problems and gives the opportunity to regain a sense of agency and strength.

Therapy requires a very active effort on your part, meaning work after sessions.

The first sessions are consultations during which I will help you identify your needs and you will experience first hand what I can offer. We will discuss your treatment goals here. This is also the moment to check if you feel well with me, you trust or want to trust me, you feel hope in the fact that we can work towards your goal. This is the time for questions, to discuss your doubts. Remember that you can always ask for a referral to another therapist and stop therapy at any time. You have the right to prudent, safe and respectful care.

If you feel you cannot wait for a callback, another appointment, or if you are unable to ensure your safety, go to the nearest doctor, emergency  department, or nearest hospital clinic.

The treatment results are greatly influenced by:


the motivation to change


the therapist's personality


the tools and methods of work